Friday 12 September 2014

Sport Rehabilitation

What is Sport Rehabilitation?

Sports Injuries are common to us athletes, whether that be: tears, strains or pulls. These injuries are forever frustrating, prohibiting our exercise and movement. Sport  Rehabilitation has been created to give those that are injured a rapid and safe return to their sport/exercise while also strengthening that part of the body to prevent future injuries.

Is Sport Rehabilitation for me?

The great thing about Sport Rehabilitation is that you don’t necessary have to be an athlete to need this treatment. Though it is primarily used by those who exercise daily; it doesn’t have to be. A lot of clients receive this treatment if they have accidentally pulled a muscle while tying their shoelace or other domestic activities. 

At SouthgathePhysio:

Whether it be: domestic, recreational or sport activities, any injury obtained, Southgate Physio is the place to go. Our trusted team is committed to offering you the quickest, most relaxing and most comfortable service possible. We promise to heal your problem and strengthen you so you don’t experience the same injury again. Our advanced sports injury rehabilitation practices make us a renowned and trusted sports injury clinic in London.